Onward and Upwards: 2014!!!

computer and glasses

Hey!! Do you remember me?

I know I fell off the face of the planet after becoming certified as a NASM CPT. I even wrote a cool post about how I passed that test the first time.

But, then I disappeared. I know it was wrong of me and I am sorry.

You see, not too long before I got my CPT certification I signed up to study to become a Nutrition Coach through Precision Nutrition. It is supposed to take four months to finish but I challenged myself to finish before the end of the year. That gave me just over two months to finish.

I quickly became overwhelmed with the prospect and I knew I had to let some things go in the meantime. I stopped writing here and I reduced activity on my Facebook page.

I knew that in the long run that my certifications were the most important for my future and my online presence could be picked up later.

Well, I am happy to say that I did, indeed, pass my Precision Nutrition test with flying colors and I am not a Nutrition Coach and a Certified Personal Trainer.

The last six months of 2013 was focused on hard-core studying and getting certified. I am so happy to be done with it all. Now, I can focus on writing here and on Facebook and actually serving awesome people.

My goal for 2014 is to grow my business as a personal trainer/nutrition coach. I will be revamping this website to reflect that goal but it will continue to produce great content for you. So, keep coming back for more articles!!

What are MY gym goals for 2014?

I have decided to focus my training on heavy compound lifts. One day before the holidays got in full swing I decided to test my deadlift. I wanted to figure out what my one-rep max was. I got up to 205 pounds for one rep. I was thrilled because I had no idea I could lift that. Now I have the bug to get stronger in all the major lifts (deadlift, squat, bench press, and overhead press).

I am tweaking my nutrition plan to support strength gains but to also support some fat loss. *cough cough* I did indulge these holidays. 😉

Anyway, it is going to be a GREAT year!!! See you again soon!!

Onward and Upwards: 2014!!!