A Worthy Pursuit


I was sitting here wanting to write something today but my brain felt like absolute mush. I had no idea what to write and yet there is so much to write about. I have been out of routine since last week. The day is coolish and overcast and I want a nap. HaHa!

I prayed for help on what to write here and my searching fingers took me to the PrayFit Facebook page and I came upon THIS devotional reading.

I was touched and humbled by this quote:

“It’s a holy climb, really. That’s what we chat about each day as we scale. As one hand digs for its stronghold, we remind each other of our need of greater health in order to live abundant lives, serving and doing. And as we secure our grip with the other, we echo the truth that no amount of health or fitness, muscle or endurance is worth anything if God isn’t behind each motive.”

This so eloquently speaks of an aspect of the pursuit for fitness and good nutrition that I don’t spend nearly enough time talking about.

It is because our bodies are temples.  Our bodies are the living space of the Holy Spirit for those who desire it.  We are the hands and feet of the one who created us.

And that is a reason to pursue health and wellness.

It is THE reason.

We can pursue our idea of a perfect body type.  We can pursue awesome performance accomplishments.


as we secure our grip with the other, we echo the truth that no amount of health or fitness, muscle or endurance is worth anything if God isn’t behind each motive.”

We must set our mind on the fact that we are building HIS temple.

What if you were given the task of caring for a holy temple?  How would you do it? Would you give the utmost care or would you neglect it and let it go to ruin?

Our bodies are the same.  We must treat our bodies with utmost care, keeping the temple clean and worthy of its occupant.

And then we can build our bodies in such a way that they are capable of service no matter what that is to you.

I don’t know about you but THAT is a much bigger motivation for seeking health and wellness than how my body looks.

What do YOU think?????



A Worthy Pursuit

The Virgin Diet: Week One Report

I have officially completed the first week of the The Virgin Diet and I am here to report on how it is going. You can go here to read about why I am doing this and what it is exactly.

The transition to not eating gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, corn, or sweeteners was actually a lot easier than I thought. My husband was correct in saying that it would be fairly easy because we’ve been following pretty strict nutrition plans before now anyway. So, the discipline was there.

Here is what a typical day looks like:

  • Breakfast: Gluten Free Oatmeal made with almond milk, a squirt of honey (natural sweeteners in moderation are allowed), and a dollop of almond butter.
  • Snacks: Raw veggies with homemade hummus, Apple and almond butter, homemade Larabars, etc.
  • Drinks: Black Coffee, unsweetened tea, and tons of water

How do I feel after one week?

  • There is less bloating in my core section.  Yes, that infamous pooch we all hate is getting smaller and flatter.  I am looking tighter in general.
  • I am sleeping better at night.  I usually wake up several times a night and often have to go to the couch in hopes of falling back to sleep.  This week has been a blessed time of deep slumber.
  • My energy is through the roof and consistent throughout the day.  I usually have a major crash around 2 pm or so and really struggle to keep my eyes open.  Not this week.  I just kept plowing through the day.
  • Mental clarity.  The fog was lifted.  I had no idea that I was living with so much fog and dissonance in my head.  This week has been remarkably clear.  I wish I could say I came up with an awesome invention or profound thought.  Maybe next week. I’m just happy I was able to have complete thoughts and not struggle to come up with the right words in a conversation.
  • And here’s the BIG one. NO KNEE PAIN!!!!  Time will tell if that was due to the nutrition change or the fact I didn’t exercise at all this week.  But, I was thrilled to live this week pain free.

I thought I was going to be a superhero and get through this first week with no problems or cravings.  That was the case through Saturday.  I even navigated a party with slipping up.  But, then came Sunday.  The cravings hit me like a cast iron pan.  I was so hungry for everything bad all day long.  I was eating a lot of food so I know I wasn’t technically hungry .  I even messaged a friend and said “I think I could gnaw my own arm off and fry it in buttermilk.”  It was that bad.  I kept telling myself, “Cravings are just toxins leaving the body.  I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.  Push through this hurdle and it will get better.”

Now, here I am on Tuesday and things are better.  The cravings are not nearly as bad and very manageable. Perhaps it is the routine of the week  or I am slowly conquering the cravings.

My assessment after just one week?

I feel amazing.

This isn’t quite as hard as I thought it would be (except for Sunday).

I am following this plan better than any other plan I’ve followed.  I think that has to do with the fact that I want answers for what’s ailing me.  So, I can’t mess this process up with random cheats.

Two-Three weeks of the elimination process (I *might* add an extra week on for good measure) and then I will start testing each food one at a time.

I will keep you all updated throughout the next few weeks. 🙂

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The Virgin Diet: Week One Report

Inspiration Saturday

I have this as my Facebook Cover on my Facebook page (Have you visited lately??). It is one of my all-time FAVORITE verses and there are days I say it to myself over and over again. There is so much comfort and peace here.

AND this verse has a lot to do with me naming my son, Caleb. You see, this verse comes at a time when the Hebrews were about to enter the Promised Land. They were scared of what the future held. Only Joshua and Caleb were willing to face the fear head on because “the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Caleb means “bold and faithful.” I named him that because I want that to be his legacy. Oh, and Joshua and Caleb were the only original (those who left Egypt) Hebrews to actually enter the Promised Land. Even Moses was not allowed to enter. Powerful stuff!!

Be Blessed!
