Onwards and Upwards!! 2014….

computer and glasses

Wow! I don’t know why I haven’t learned my lesson about writing on here but, alas, I have not. I wrote a good post that I scheduled to auto-post today. I got on the computer today to check everything and discovered that the post scheduled for today AND Friday were completely lost. I think it happened when downloaded the newest version of Wordress. UGH!! So, here I am in my sleep deprived state (from a fun New Year’s Eve) trying to tap out a few quick thoughts. * sigh *

The last few months have been filled with tons of studying. I started studying for my NASM Certified Personal Trainer credential in June. I took and passed my test in October. YEAH!! I wrote about that here.

Right before I took the NASM test I signed up for the Precision Nutrition Coaching Certification because they only do two classes a year. I didn’t want to wait till Spring 2014. I signed up knowing I couldn’t start studying for that until the PT test was done.

The Precision Nutrition course is supposed to take about four months to complete. But, I got a wild hair and wanted to finish before the New year rolled around. Yep. Nose to the grindstone for real this time. I spent probably two hours a day reading, watching videos, and typing out notes.

I got so overwhelmed by studying, preparing for a big Christmas trip up North, homeschooling, etc. It was a lot to take on. One Friday I was grocery shopping with my son and a thought popped into my head. “Take the test tonight.” It is an online test so I knew it was an option. But, was I ready? I called my husband and said, “I have an idea so crazy I think it might work.” I took the test that night and passed with flying colors. The weight lifted off my shoulders was incredible.

I am not only a NASM Certified Personal Trainer but also a Precision Nutrition Coach. WOW!! All in six months.

I am very excited about the future of building my training/coaching business. I already have clients trickling in and I will be prayerfully seeking more and maybe, with God’s favor, that trickle will speed up. 🙂

Thank you for being patient with me as I went off grid from here and in many ways from my Facebook page. I needed to cut things out of my schedule if I were going to study and test at the speed I was doing it.

I am back and I am reviving this blog. I will be posting about fitness, nutrition, coaching, and my own personal journey. So, keep coming back for more great content.

Do you have any thoughts about what you would like to see here?? Please comment!!!

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Onwards and Upwards!! 2014….

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